Today, I was up with the run rise. I had called a friend last night in hopes of getting a partner keen for a 7am run, but I didn't hear anything back from her until 6:30am; it wasn't my alarm going, it was Deanne telling me about how she'd love to go for a run with me. What timing she has, I was about to roll over and turn off my alarm, because I'm getting used to my sleepy ways and starting to enjoy an 8am wake-up. The student life= life of luxury (or at least big sleeps).
So, as I went out this morning, I wasn't only greeted by the cold, but also by a friendly face. Conversation flowed and by the time we got down towards the water the sun was just coming over the horizon. We haven't seen the sun here in over a week, so it was as if we'd been given a second life at the site. It was amazing, it was orange and pink against the dark clouds and made every trees' silhouette pop against the bright early morning sky. It was just what I needed to keep me motivated through my day and get me out the door for next week on those early runs.
It's funny how fast you can forget that good feeling get on a 7am run..
For my food today, I had my oatmeal combo for breakfast; followed by a salad of greens with yellow pepper and cucumber (dressed in olive oil and balsamic), a mini can of tuna and 2 kiwis; my afternoon snack consisted of a couple corn thins with AB and jam (always 100% fruit); and then my second afternoon snack was blue corn tortilla nachos with goat cheese and salsa (apparently I needed salt-- and energy for teaching Bootcamp tonight- hills galore); and tonight's dinner will be a tofu broccoli combo- something fast and easy for after class so I can rush back out to meet up with friends.
That is all from me today, we'll chat tomorrow when the rest of you get on weekend time.
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